Recovering losses from accidents involves paperwork, insurance companies, other lawyers, perhaps even wages for your staff enduring endless hassles and the run around from third parties, insured or uninsured, wasting your time and more importantly more of your money. Have you ever stopped to consider just how much of your time and money is spent doing this?
Unlike claiming through your insurance, making a claim through rb lawyers will not increase your insurance premiums and will see a return for lost income arising out of an accident, where appropriate.
As owners/operators do you understand where you stand legally if your driver is involved in an accident or dispute?
Are there circumstances where you ought not be responsible for the actions of your driver?
rb lawyers provides Specialist Services to the motor transport industry and is recognised as one of Queensland’s leading advisers and advocates on all matters impacting the motor transport industry, particularly the Taxi Industry.
We pride ourselves on being the first law firm in Queensland to successfully recover downtime within the taxi industry. Having intimate knowledge of motor vehicle law, rb lawyers can assist in all areas of your business – we can even assist your drivers when they find their licence is in a spot of trouble or if they were injured in an accident.
For a Better Result………download our Accident Claim Form to get your claim underway.
Need expert legal assistance?
We are a boutique litigation law firm with all the education and experience of large city firms BUT with none of the costs!
If your matter is urgent please call
07 3883 3700
298 Oxley Avenue, Margate,
Redcliffe Queensland 4019
Postal Address
PO Box 358, Margate,
Queensland 4019
Email address
07 3883 3700
07 3883 3711
Motor Vehicle
Law Traffic
Law Building & Business
Estate Law
Criminal Law
Taxi Industry Law
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